Gympie Flexible
Learning Centre
Edmund Rice Education
Australia (EREA)
Gympie, QLD
The Gympie Flexible Learning Centre is a contemporary learning space occupying a small site in the lush landscape of Gympie. The bold yet economic design responds to the needs of creative young people who have taken responsibility for their learning outside of the regular school system.
Katerina Dracopoulos
(Project Contact)
Andrew Campbell
Hayley Crofts
Shannon Daly
Lai Ho
Katie Martin
Neil Roberts
Laura Stevens
Mark Trotter (L)

The students really want to be here. I think it’s because it’s such a beautiful space; it makes you feel welcome and it’s reaffirming to the students that they’re worth something.
Jasmin Crough
Head of Campus, Gympie Flexible Learning Centre

In partnership with Edmund Rice Education Australia and the Flexible Schools Network, Fulton Trotter Architects designed the new school to be a sophisticated and dynamic building that nurtures the futures of its students who are at the margins of the traditional education system.
The Learning Centre is located near the Gympie education precinct and is designed to stand apart as a place where possibility and difference are celebrated.
We developed a close collaborative relationship with the small community of staff and students, which resulted in the delivery of inviting learning spaces that have successfully engaged the cohort and encouraged them to attend classes at their own discretion.
The design maximises the use of the steeply sloping, triangle shaped site through a two storey building that fits into the existing contours of the site. Specialist spaces are located in the triangular corners of the building, creating a dynamic, creative learning node. Community areas, teaching spaces, sound recording studios, workshops, and food preparation spaces are also included. Courtyard spaces provide settings for sharing food, performing, and making meaningful connections within a welcoming setting.
The industrial aesthetic of the façade serves as a dramatic counterpoint to the fertile surrounds of the Mary Valley. Studded with shard-like windows, the membrane of the building peels back at the corners providing a glimpse of what lies within.

Photographer: © John Mills | Elevation: © Fulton Trotter Architects